Monday, March 12, 2012

The Ultimate Shiny Clothing

Sexy doesn't even begin to describe the swimsuit.  The beauty of the one-piece is that it still hides some, but leaves very little to the imagination.  This can be a good thing because, let's face it, guys, you want some idea of what you're getting, right?  Women need to understand that if they want to attract a man's attention, they need to look good in a swimsuit.  Why else do you think beauty pageants still have a swimwear competition?  Let's be honest here, men want to sleep with a hot woman, period.  If she's hot AND in a shiny swimsuit, then that increases the hot factor!

 An invitation if ever there were one...

 Hot woman in a swimsuit with an exotic car...why men make money and go to war...

The arrow pattern directs the viewer's eyes right to where heaven awaits...

 Hot and rich...a great combination if you can find it.

 WOW!!! This suit speaks for itself...